Sidney Bottle Depot

June 3, 2010 4:00PM - 8:00PM

A cool breeze blew against Return-It Man's face as he glanced around the empty Depot. “Did I miss the Celebration Date?” mumbled our concerned Super Hero. Using his Super Hearing he put his ear to the wind, he could faintly make out voices. Leaning into the breeze he thought he could almost hear the sound of...

“Return-It Man!!” shouted Super Sidekick

“Oh, you gave my heart a jump!” said a startled Return-It Man.

“Where have you been? The market is about to get under way!” panicked Super Sidekick.

“Right the market, don't worry we'll fly” responded the level headed Hero.

Clinging to Return-It Man's cape the two Recyclers sped across Sidney Harbor and bumped right into Sherri, Sophie and the rest of the Return-It Team.

“Just in time” said Sherri with a grin passing him a pile of swag. “You know what to do.”

In a flash Return-It Man was creating a buzz, and in no time the Return-It booth was the hottest place to be, it had everything; balloons, dancing, prizes, and of course plenty of FREE HIGH FIVES for everyone.

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