Who We Are
Encorp Pacific (Canada) is a federally incorporated, not-for-profit, product stewardship corporation with beverage container management as our core business. Our mandate is to develop, manage and improve systems to recover used packaging and end-of-life products from consumers and ensure that they are properly recycled and not land-filled or incinerated. This model is commonly referred to as Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) or Industry Product Stewardship (IPS).
Our vision is to be the model Industry Product Stewardship organization in a province where every beverage container is recycled.
Encorp is committed to establishing good governance and best practices appropriate to an organization of our type. Our Board of Directors consists of representatives of the beverage and retail grocery industries as well as directors who have no connection with either industry. A unique feature of Encorp’s governance is the existence of an Advisory Committee which ensures that the Board hears from stakeholders such as local governments, environmental groups and small brand owners.
As a not-for-profit corporation Encorp does not pay dividends to the company’s owners but does strive for a prudent level of financial reserves to be used to fund the operations of the company when market conditions require.