Go Green Bottle Depot & Recycling

June 5, 2010 2:00PM - 6:00PM

Nestled on the East/West Vancouver border lies a place of beauty... the Go Green Bottle Depot. “I love this place” exclaimed Return-It Man as he and Super Sidekick set up their tent and banner.

“Why is that?” asked Super Sidekick

“What's not to love, they're open late during the summer, always have their bbq fired up, plus the owner is an English bloke so you can always count on some good soccer.. I mean.. football chats” beamed Return-It Man. “I like to think that if this whole Super Hero gig hadn't been bestowed upon me that I could have gone pro, or at least the Whitecaps, but in the meantime I'm quite happy kicking all these cans into bins”.

The two heroes chugged down some home brewed lemonade, compliments of Michael (the Depot owner's son) and then buzzed around all over town.

From Main Street to Cambie Street, from Broadway to 5th, these two were everywhere spreading the good word for the Go Green Bottle Depot.

As the day wound down Return-It Man and the Go Green staff sat on some makeshift lawn chairs...they all agreed that being a pro-athlete would be pretty sweet, but there’s nothing like lemonade after a hard day of working with beverage containers.

Well Done Team!!

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