Fraser Valley Bottle & Return-It Depot

June 19, 2010 9:00AM - 1:00PM

The sun was burning away the clouds as Return-It Man sailed into town. Like a beacon the Depot winked the sun's rays back.
“Home sweet home: thought Return-It Man as he landed perfectly between the balloon landing strip laid down by Super Sidekick.
“Three point landing my friend” admitted Super Sidekick as he tested the prize wheel for rhythm and balance.
“What has the boss got us down for today?”asked Return-It Man
“Oh, some balloons, the prize wheel, some tunes... and THE PARTY CART” shouted Super Sidekick
It had been some time between the last Party Cart so naturally Return-It Man was more than elated to spend most of the day parading around and handing out scrumptious goodies to the townsfolk.
“You know I was flying in and I noticed some over worked staff at the Hospital, we should go cheer them up”
Sure enough Return-It Man was able to bring smiles to the dreariest of faces, and pretty soon high fives, low fives, and even side fives were being spread all over town in the name of recycling. Way to go Fraser Valley, the Party Cart lives another day!

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